We all know how the Pareto principle works in business: 80% whine and 20% win. Would you rather be in this 20% of people who are already using dropshipping sites for earning at Aliexpress? Once you understand the sequence of actions, take the right decision, and configure the system consisting of 5 components?
Guess where 80% of guys who want to use the dropshipping model quit? If you answered “at the stage of assembling a puzzle from a domain name, hosting, WordPress, WooCommerce, and Ali2Woo”, congratulations: right you are.
Building up a dream business: before you start, choose
Type in Google: “how to choose a niche for dropshipping in 2021” and read; once you have decided on a niche, products, selected suppliers, and received the answers to your questions, it’s time for the next Google search: “dropshipping store names“. You will be offered ready-made, catchy names. Before making a choice, ask your friends, relatives, let them explain their choice. The name is the key to your success: it is the name of your domain, your store, an important part of SEO, your brand, and a story about your values. Think it over thoroughly – and come up with something that your target audience will fall in love with at first sight and will not be able to pass by or forget: short, bright, simple, beautiful, unique.
OK, we have a name. We choose a domain and hosting in the same place. Type “a2hosting domain and hosting” into Google. We get to the a2hosting website. First, type our desired domain name in the search bar to find out whether it is available in the .com zone. Don’t pay yet! Is it available? Yes? Excellent. Now scroll down the page to the bottom and select WordPress. Talk to technical support in live chat, explain what you need. They will help you 24/7; there are also detailed guides for setting up WordPress. Your goal is: to get an “average” hosting plan for online stores on WordPress, which includes the domain name you had chosen for free for 1 year, as well as to pay for the WooCommerce WordPress plugin and ask for help in setting it up.
Finally, you have:
- a niche, goods, suppliers;
- the best hosting for dropshipping sites;
- a cool domain in the .com zone as a gift for a year;
- the login data to the WordPress admin panel with WooCommerce enabled.
Yay! It’s time to fill the store with goods! But you don’t want to enter the products manually; it’s difficult, boring, and time-consuming. Search for the 5th point: Ali2Woo AliExpress plugin on our official website. You will like its price (no monthly fee!) and the number of everyday tasks it will solve for you. We, the Ali2Woo plugin support service, will help you to use and configure it. After that, you will just need to advertise your store, process orders, and develop your business.
This is a difficult path, but you will be happy as you walk. Start your store today. Run it like a pro. Get rich! Good luck!
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